The new and native page builder on the block.
Everyone in the WordPress community is talking about Gutenburg, so what exactly is Gutenburg? Gutenburg is going to replace the Classic editor in WordPress 5.0. It’s essentially a PageBuilder, but it’s a big deal because it’s native and free and will mean there will be one less plugin you’ll need!
WordPress 5.0 got the name Gutenburg from Johannes Gutenberg, an inventor who started the Printing Revolution. And WordPress clearly thinks Gutenburg is going to revolutionise WordPress in the same way.
Like any PageBuild Gutenburg allows you to create rich post layouts, allowing you to create drag-and-drop blocks to quickly build your pages. These blocks can be all kinds of things from text, headings, images and much more. And once developers get hold of it the possibilities are endless!
Is it ready for primetime?
Because its native and will gain all developer support we can see all other PageBuilders become extinct. But as it stands currently many developers use page builders such as WPBakery Page Builder and this currently is way more powerful as it already has huge development support. However WPBakery has already announced it will support Gutenburg so it doesn’t necessarily have to be one or the other.
Am I forced to use Gutenburg editor?
For now thankfully not, you have the chose of reinstalling the classic editor, this means you can transition to Gutenburg in your own time. It is possible that the Gutenburg editor will be mandatory in the future, but this will likely not happen until it can fully compete with the current PageBuilders on the market