7 Steps to Perfect Content Marketing

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Intro If you want to get serious about social media marketing for your business, the focus is having great content to publish and promote. This is a complete reversal to traditional marketing, often called interruption marketing. Interruption marketing includes marketing techniques such as telemarketing and cold calling, this style of marketing pushes a message at…


IE8 is almost extinct, should I continue to support it?

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What can we do about IE8? What do you say when a client wants to make their site IE8 compatible? Creating amazing websites, and supporting legacy websites has always been a big issue for web developers. So what are the options when working on a new website? Create a separate stylesheets tailored for IE8. This is a common trend,…


Importance of keeping WordPress updated & maintained

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Intro to keeping WordPress updated & maintained Avoid being hacked, keep WordPress updated and enjoy new features & better stability. Anyone who’s ever worked with a WordPress site will know how common it is to see the “WordPress X.X is available! Please update now.” message at the top of their dashboard. Is it really that important to keep your…

Problems of URL shorteners for Analytics

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The Problem URL shorteners are a necessity on Twitter because of the character limit. If you’re a digital marketer and want detailed data about traffic from different social networks in your analytics, then you’re out of luck! What many social media experts & marketers don’t realize is that major issues can occur from blindly shortening URLs to share…