Best WordPress Plugin For Social Marketeers

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Intro Every social marketeer has the dilemma between manual and automated social media, automated posts allows for a constant flow of content being provided to users however it is usually often obviously automated and therefore not engaging. Manual tweets on the other hand take up a large part of time each day but are engaging and…

Having a non-mobile website gives your competitors the edge.

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How a non-mobile website gives my competitors the edge? In this article we’ll explain why it’s important to have a mobile friendly, and what your options are with creating one. Mobile device usage has exploded in recent years with over 60% of the web’s traffic coming from mobile devices. Smart phones are essentially glued to people’s hands,…

Face++ An API for Face Recognition

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Face++ API At OrbitCarrot we’re always looking for awesome new web technologies, and today we came across Face++ Face++ is a new vision platform built by Megvii Inc. It aims to provide a compact, powerful, and cross-platform vision service. Face++ uses the latest cutting-edge technology of computer vision and huge data banks to provide 3 core vision services…


IE8 is almost extinct, should I continue to support it?

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What can we do about IE8? What do you say when a client wants to make their site IE8 compatible? Creating amazing websites, and supporting legacy websites has always been a big issue for web developers. So what are the options when working on a new website? Create a separate stylesheets tailored for IE8. This is a common trend,…

Design / Development Team Integration

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Intro Apple products have always said to be successful because of the software/hardware integration, the teams work together and communicate to make sure everything work perfectly together. A similar process is also important in the web development world, many agencies have a design/development team which work separately, others specialise on either development or design and…


The replacement for CAPTCHA may finally be here!

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CAPTCHAs are the bane effect of the internet. Those annoying jumbled up collection of numbers and letters mismashed into one barely readable image, which requires more guess work then anything else to get right. Well, now Google wants to improve all of that with an update to reCAPTCHA, a simple one-click checkbox which says “I…